Cleft Lip and Palate Repair

Cleft lip and palate issues can lead to many difficulties in adult patients ranging from cosmetic to functional. The most common problem is speech impairment, but there are several other concerns that we help to address.
Typically, areas that are of concern for adult patients with a cleft lip and cleft palate include:
Scar: Most people would like the scar on the upper lip to be revised and improved if possible, to try and hide the scar so that others may not notice it.
Nose: Typically patients with a cleft lip and cleft palate will have a nasal deformity causing airway obstruction, as well as a displeasing shape of the nose.
Speech: Some patients may have abnormal speech due to the cleft palate and would like to improve their overall speech quality so that others may understand them easily.
Jaw: Typically with a cleft palate, there can be a jaw deformity that develops as patients mature and get older.